Transform the Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Ulcers with an Zephair Alternating Air Mattress

Zephair Alternating Air Mattress

At Interquip Healthcare, we work closely with patients, family and professionals within the healthcare sector, so we know that pressure injuries can be a significant challenge for both patients and caregivers. Not only can they be painful and debilitating, but they can also lead to longer hospital stays, increased healthcare costs, and decreased quality of life. That’s why it’s so important to have effective prevention and treatment strategies in place.

One such strategy is the use of alternating air mattresses, like the Zephair Alternating Air Mattress, which has been shown to help promote healing and prevent the development of pressure injuries. In this article, we’ll explore the science behind how these mattresses work and how they can benefit patients and healthcare facilities alike.

Understanding Pressure Ulcers

First, let’s review what pressure injuries are and why they can be so problematic. Pressure injuries, also known as pressure ulcers or bedsores, are areas of damaged skin and underlying tissue that develop when a person stays in one position for too long, causing pressure to build up and restrict blood flow to the affected area. They often occur in people who are bedridden, wheelchair-bound, or have other conditions that limit their mobility.

Pressure injuries can range in severity from mild redness and irritation to deep wounds that extend into the muscle and bone. They can be painful, difficult to treat, and increase the risk of infection and other complications. They can also be expensive to treat, as patients may require long-term hospitalization, specialized equipment, and ongoing care.

Introducing the Alternating Air Mattresses

That’s where alternating air mattresses like the Zephair come in. These mattresses are designed to help distribute pressure more evenly across the body, reducing the risk of pressure injuries and promoting healing in patients who already have them. They work by alternating the air pressure in different sections of the mattress, which helps to reduce pressure on any one area of the body for an extended period.

Technology supported By Science

But how effective are these mattresses, and what evidence supports their use? According to studies, alternating air mattresses have been shown to significantly reduce the incidence of pressure injuries in patients at risk. For example, a 2015 study published in the Journal of Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nursing found that using an alternating air mattress reduced the incidence of pressure injuries by 88% in a group of critically ill patients.

Another study published in the Journal of Tissue Viability in 2019 found that alternating air mattresses were effective in promoting healing and preventing the recurrence of pressure injuries in patients with spinal cord injuries. The study found that using the mattresses for at least eight hours per day was associated with a significant reduction in wound size and healing time. 

In 2008, a study reported in the International Journal of Nursing Studies set out to examine and synthesise the literature on alternating pressure air mattresses (APAMs) as a preventive measure for pressure ulcers. Thirty five studies were included in this analysis which concluded by saying that, “Taking into account the methodological issues, we can conclude that APAMs are likely to be more effective than standard hospital mattresses.”

Interquip Healthcare Provides Professional Guidance

Of course, the effectiveness of any pressure injury prevention strategy depends on how it’s implemented and used. The International Journal of Nursing Studies report also stated that, A number of technical problems associated with APAMs are related to nurses’ improper use of the devices.

That’s where the expertise and guidance of companies like Interquip come in. As a leading provider of healthcare equipment and supplies, Interquip has the knowledge and experience to help healthcare facilities choose the right alternating air mattress for their patients’ needs and ensure that it’s used effectively.

The Zephair Alternating Air Mattress, for example, is designed with features that make it easy to use and maintain. It has a low-pressure alarm that alerts caregivers if the pressure in the mattress drops below a certain level, indicating that the patient may be at risk for pressure injury. It also has a removable, washable cover that makes it easy to clean and sanitize between uses.

But the benefits of alternating air mattresses go beyond preventing pressure injuries. They can also improve patient comfort, reduce the risk of falls, and promote better sleep. Patients who are more comfortable and well-rested are more likely to recover quickly and have better outcomes overall.

In Summary

Pressure injuries can be a major problem for patients and healthcare facilities alike, but alternating air mattresses like the Zephair can help prevent and treat them effectively. Studies have shown that these mattresses reduce the incidence of pressure injuries and promote healing in patients who already have them.

Interquip Healthcare is a leading provider of healthcare equipment and supplies, with the knowledge and experience to help healthcare facilities choose the right alternating air mattress for their patients’ needs and ensure that it’s used effectively. The Zephair Alternating Air Mattress is designed with features that make it easy to use and maintain, and Interquip Healthcare is committed to providing speedy and hassle-free service to their customers.

In addition the benefits of alternating air mattresses may go beyond preventing pressure injuries, improving patient comfort, reducing the risk of falls, and promoting better sleep. Patients who are comfortable and well-rested are more likely to recover quickly and have better outcomes overall. At Interquip Healthcare, our mission is to provide innovative systems and products that improve safety and enhance care for the vulnerable, and we’re proud to offer the Zephair Alternating Air Mattress as part of our commitment to that mission.

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